Q. I’m not receiving notifications.
Please check [Settings > Notification Settings] to see if notifications are turned on. If they are off, follow the steps below to turn them on:
- iPhone : Click the notification switch in the screen > Notifications > Enable the “Allow Notifications” switch.
- Android : Click the notification switch in the screen > Notifications > Enable the “Allow Notifications” switch.
If you’re still not receiving notifications after this, please try deleting and reinstalling the app.
If the issue persists, press the “Contact Us” button on the "My page" screen to submit an inquiry.
Q. Can I set a reminder time other than 10 minutes before the event?
Currently, Signaling only supports reminders 10 minutes before the event starts.
We plan to add a feature in the future that allows users to set their own reminder time.
Q. What should I do if I don’t receive the reminder notification?
- Please check if the reminder setting is enabled for the event.
- Check if app push notifications are turned off.
- Go to Phone Settings → Notifications → Select [Signaling] → Enable Push Notifications
- Go to Phone Settings → Notifications → Select [Signaling] → Enable Push Notifications
- Check if battery-saving mode or background restrictions are enabled.
- Some devices may restrict push notifications in battery-saving mode.