Q: How many special days can I register?
- You can register an unlimited number of special days.
Q: How does the birthday countdown work for special days?
- The countdown calculates the remaining days based on the closest upcoming birthday from today.
Q: How does the first start date countdown work for special days?
- The countdown calculates the number of days starting from the first start date you set, counting from day 1.
Q: How many special days can be pinned to the top of the list?
- Excluding the first start date special day, you can pin up to 2 special days at the top of the list.
Q: Can I share special days with my partner?
- Yes, special days are automatically shared with your partner. Your partner can view the same special days.
Q: Can I set certain special days to be visible only to me?
- Special days are shared with your partner by default, and there is no feature to make them visible only to you.
Q: How can I set reminders (e.g., a week before) for upcoming special days?
- Reminder notifications for upcoming special days are not supported.
Q: Can I set recurring special days (e.g., every year/month)?
- Recurring special days are currently not supported.