Q. I’m not receiving notifications.
Please check [Settings > Notification Settings] to see if notifications are turned on. If they are off, follow the steps below to turn them on:
- iPhone : Click the notification switch in the screen > Notifications > Enable the “Allow Notifications” switch.
- Android : Click the notification switch in the screen > Notifications > Enable the “Allow Notifications” switch.
If you’re still not receiving notifications after this, please try deleting and reinstalling the app.
If the issue persists, press the “Contact Us” button on the "My page" screen to submit an inquiry.
Q. How do I delete my account?
Before you can delete your account, you must first disconnect from your partner.
Steps to delete your account:
Go to Settings > Scroll to the bottom and click “Delete Account.”
Q. Can I recover the data after disconnection?
Unfortunately, recovering data after disconnection is not supported at this time.